
Die biologische Methode der Knochengewinnung

Die biologische Methode der Knochengewinnung

The external oblique line presents itself as a bone harvesting area, seeing that it is easily accessible, permits an easy and secure harvesting of the bone. You will learn all  the tips and tricks you might need from our 70 pages Checklist.

Frank Zastrow
August 07, 2018
Technischer Fortschritt in der Implantologie

Technischer Fortschritt in der Implantologie

The external oblique line presents itself as a bone harvesting area, seeing that it is easily accessible, permits an easy and secure harvesting of the bone. You will learn all  the tips and tricks you might need from our 70 pages Checklist.

Frank Zastrow
August 07, 2018
BBA-Akademie – Interview mit Dr. Frank Zastrow

BBA-Akademie – Interview mit Dr. Frank Zastrow

The external oblique line presents itself as a bone harvesting area, seeing that it is easily accessible, permits an easy and secure harvesting of the bone. You will learn all  the tips and tricks you might need from our 70 pages Checklist.

Marcel Pohl
August 07, 2018